Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snow Job

"Jobless Claims Rise on Snow-Related Layoffs"

This is not a joke, this is actually the headline on Yahoo Finance today to spin the "worse than expected" initial jobless claims. As a former business owner, I can fully attest that it is commonplace to lay people off when the weather is bad...not.

While it is commonplace for ignorant and lazy journalists to be "precisely inaccurate" to quote Nassim Taleb. I've noticed over the last several months that we have jumped the shark and these type of headlines and articles can no longer be attributed to stupidity, laziness, or hacks masquerading as journalists. The ministry of propaganda is in full swing trying it's best to keep the serfs from connecting the dots that things are not only not getting better, they are getting exponentially worse.

My question is this: are Americans buying this bs or is there a rage simmering under the surface that is ultimately going to explode? As I've never been good at suffering fools, those that I speak with regularly are bearish, so I personally know of no one who is buying the propaganda.

Are those that I interact with the minority with the sheep believing what they want to believe? Or, are we on the verge of social outrage that results in regeneration of our republic?

Would love to hear other's input/experience as to the social mood they find in their circle of influence.

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