Thursday, March 11, 2010

Great News!

It's been a while since I've posted anything. The lies continue, the charade continues, few people care at all, fewer yet have any ability to understand what's really going on.

But finally some great news. Forbes released the latest list of the world's billionaires yesterday and the news is exciting. The world now has 218 more billionaires than it did a year ago! Not only that, the average billionaire's net worth increased by $500 million in 2009. It warms your heart to know that while the middle class in America is being systematically destroyed the rich really are getting much, much richer.

Personally I love the fact that several of the world's billionaires now own my mortgage which they purchased for pennies on the dollar from the FDIC. George Soros, John Paulson, Christopher Flowers, and Michael Dell are owners of OneWest Bank which was formed to purchase the assets of IndyMac, my mortgage holder. Each one of them is a billionaire. They paid pennies on the dollar for my mortgage, and on top of that were extended loan loss guarantees from the FDIC that already have cost the U.S. taxpayers over $9 billion. I bring this up because it is a perfect snapshot of what is so despicable about what is happening in America. Had the FDIC offered me the same pricing on my home mortgage I would have simply wrote them a check and owned my home outright. Do they owe me this? Of course not. However, if they are going to sell loans at a huge discount to par value why should I, the debt holder, not have the same opportunity as a group of billionaires?

Of course that is said in jest, no serf deserves the same opportunity as one of the 1011 richest people in the world...that's just silly. By the way, OneWest made $1.6 billion in profits since inking their sweetheart deal with the FDIC.

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