Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Check it out

I ran across this website over the weekend, www.chrismartenson.com. I would highly recommend that everyone make time to watch the entire crash course that Chris has produced. He is no alarmist, provides no conspiracy theories, and is actually optimistic about the opportunities at hand. Personally, I am an alarmist, am 100% convinced that there are vast conspiracies at work to destroy the American middle class, and am decidedly pessimistic about the future of America and yet I ended up watching all 20 lessons Chris has put together and am much better for it.
Many of those that I speak with about the current reality of America and the world struggle to grasp the situation as they don't have a comprehensive frame of reference to draw on in considering the unique nature of what we are living through. These lessons will help provide a broader frame of reference.

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