Thursday, December 31, 2009

The 2000s: The Decade of Retarded Voyeurism

In the past ten years much as happened that demonstrate the moral and intellectual decline of America accelerated at a breakneck pace. One of my personal favorite snap shots of the decline that the past decade has seen is the proliferation of reality television.

Evidently reality television began in the 1990s with "The Real World" on MTV. However the 2000s saw reality tv become ubiquitous. Who could have imagined that Americans would become so intellectually challenged and morally downtrodden that they would be entertained by watching other intellectual challenged, morally degenerates live their pathetic lives? Or at best, be entertained by watching average people perform the mundane tasks of their lives?

Had someone slapped down a business plan on my desk, wanting me to invest in a television program consisting of watching a has been glamour rocker contract assorted STDs from the skankiest bunch of tramps imaginable, I would have laughed him out of the room. However, not only did people love it, evidently this spawned an even more reprehensible show that had one of the skanks then infecting both men and women with said STDs for sport.

The sheer breadth of reality tv shows is mindboggling. There are reality programs to watch queers sell real estate, queers change the appearance of people to make them look like pop culture idiots, queers design clothes, queers dress straight men (I can't be called homophobic referring to them as queers since the very title of the show referred to them as such), queers pretending to be straight to trick a woman into guessing whether they are queer or not for money, queers flipping houses...

But enough about the shows featuring queers. The list of choices for sitting on your couch watching other people's equally pathetic life extends from the surreal all the way down to the pathetic. Are you fat? There are shows that show fat people losing weight...isn't that like losing weight yourself? Unemployed and needing a shot of testosterone? You can watch lumberjacks or truckers drive on ice, or even watch a bloated and drugged out Steven Seagall pretend to be a cop...the choices are endless. Are you hungry? There's always a variety of people cooking on tv...can't wait for smellivision. Perhaps you're just a terrible parent. Never fear, there's more than one choice for you to watch a "professional" come into similar terrible households and impart what used to be common sense to people who clearly should not have children. Watching this is just as good as actually pulling your head out and being a responsible parent isn't it? Wish you had a different wife? Just turn on the tube and see how swapping wives turned out for the hillbilly and the college professor...that will cure you of wanting to trade in for a new model. Nose too big? Boobs too small? No worry just watch someone else get plastic surgery, that's just as good right? I'm sure on more than one occasion you've asked yourself, "What's Hulk Hogan doing today?" Gotcha covered. I've got to believe that you often wonder, "What is Gene Simmons do when he's not wearing makeup and screaming at people?" Wonder no more. "What I wouldn't give to know what M.C. Hammer's living room looks like," here you go...I'll stop because this could go on into the new year for sure.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More good news for Grandpa Warren

One of the top business headlines this morning is that GMAC Financial Service is going to get another $3.5billion gift from the U.S. taxpayers. This is on top of the $12.5billion taxpayer gift already given to GMAC. This new money will allow GMAC to avert placing their DOA mortgage unit Residential Capital LLC into bankruptcy.
It is an amazing coincidence that the world's greatest investor, Warren Buffet is a huge stake holder in Residential Capital LLC. He is, in fact, in discussions to increase his investment and purchase the entire entity. Talk about good luck for Grandpa Warren!
The world's greatest investor has had a string of amazing luck in the past 18 months or so. As he holds huge positions (at least $26billion at risk) in Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, American Express, U.S. Bancorp, General Electric, M & T Bank, and Sun Trust Bank. What do all of these have in common? You guessed it each and every one of this firms would have gone bankrupt in 2008 without taxpayer gifts, backstopping of losses, guarantees, and 0% borrowing.
The greatest investor in the world is also the largest shareholder in Moody's Corporation. Moody's was directly responsible for the mortgage backed securities collapse (which began the economic collapse we are living through) as they were the preeminent rating agency for what have affectionately come to be known as "toxic assets". In the event you are unfamiliar, the scam was, Goldman and other investment banks would package crappy residential mortgages together with the intention of selling these time bombs to investors the world over looking for safe, income bearing investments. The tool that the buyers of these pieces of crap used to determine if they were a safe and sound investment was the rating provided by Moody's. Moody's called them AAA, indicating they were safe to purchase, providing for Goldman and the other crooks to get rid of this crap, which they promptly then bet on failing...but this is another story worth telling another day.
So Grandpa Warren, the world's greatest investor, once again is indirectly at the government trough with one of his investments being bailed out. If only us mere mortal investors could be as smart as Grandpa Warren.
My favorite part of grandpa's fleecing of America is the clear tit for tat of him making himself available to the media throughout this consolidation of power, wait it is being called a crisis...sorry, to reassure all of the world that America is better than ever and that the entire world should be investing in America. It started with his Op-Ed piece in the New York Times in October 2008 when he told everyone to purchase U.S. stocks and has continued with his interviews with Becky Quick of CNBC. The most recent of the propaganda tour had Buffet and Bill Gates at Columbia University where Buffet said that holding cash was the worst thing anyone could do now and that full investment in the stock market was the way to go.
Mark Twain said, "History doesn't repeat itself, it rhymes". Few people know that following the stock market crash of 1929, America also had a favorite, politically connected, grandpa who was thought to be the greatest investor in the world telling everyone the worst was over and they should buy stocks--J.D. Rockefeller. Here's a real headline from October 31, 1929 "Rockefeller Buys Allaying Anxiety; Elder Financier Says Business Status Does Not Warrant the Destruction of Values".
Grandpa, along with the large member banks of the Federal Reserve, continue to be the beneficiaries of the destruction of America. Looks like grandpa agreed to be pimped out to the propaganda machine periodically to say how great things are and occasionally get rid of some of his increasingly worth less dollars to purchase U.S. companies to keep the fake stock market rally going to keep his title of world's greatest investor. There's a little thing called reversion to the mean that implies that grandpa should have gotten crushed last year and seen the results of his investment career come crashing down to the mean of other investors. Amazing how it just didn't happen.
Congrats to grandpa on yet another one of his investments being bailed out by mortgaging the future of America.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 was a systemic failure

Breaking update, Barry O now says, "A systemic failure has occurred and I consider that totally unacceptable."
I'll go out on a limb and predict that we're being warmed up for a loss of more liberties and perhaps a shiny new war...all of which will make us "safer".
Look for the "system" to include body cavity searches soon. The speech will go something like this: "Let me be clear, in order to protect every American as they travel, I've authorized the Department of Homeland Security to conduct full body cavity searches at all airports in the United States. The only fluid to exceed 3 ounces in your carry on bags is to be KY Jelly to facilitate the search."
Correspondingly the headlines will be Stock Market Surges Higher on New Security Measures...with analysts saying that this recent initiative should increase profitability for manufactures of rubber gloves and lubricants.

The System Worked!

In the event you didn't hear the good news, Janet Napolitano tells us that the reason why the Nigerian who attempted to blow up a plane on Christmas was unsuccessful was because "the system worked". After her handlers alerted her that in fact the system was a colossal failure she then went on to say, "Our system did not work in this instance, no one is happy or satisfied with that".
The details of the bomber and how he got on the plane are interesting enough, especially since he had no passport and was a suspected terrorist. However, what I love the most is Napolitano claiming "the system worked". Taking credit for the heroism of individuals on the plane and assigning it to "the system", whatever that is.
Perhaps it was a Freudian slip, as the system did work in allowing a terrorist with explosives to board a plane? After all, there is now a new discussion about starting a new war in Yemen in light of this.
I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Dangers of Deflation

If there is one common theme that I hear in justification for the massive government intervention into the economy that we've seen over the past 16 months it is that without the intervention the U.S. economy would experience massive deflation. There is no doubt that deflation not only would be seen in the U.S. economy without intervention but that we are already experiencing it to some degree in spite of the massive intervention. The question isn't whether government intervention was necessary to subdue deflation but rather is deflation the real enemy of the average American?
The cold hard truth is that the danger of deflation lies in the fact that the central bankers of the world lose control of the citizens of the world when deflation enters the room.
The stated goal of the Federal Reserve is "to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates". The Federal Reserve was established in 1913. Since that time the purchasing power of a U.S. dollar has been decreased by 96%. How does that sound for price stability?
Of course if you view your life on this earth as waking up 5 days a week, going to a job you hate, being told when to take a break, when you can relieve your bladder, how long you can take eating your lunch, when you can go on vacation...then this lost purchasing power is not all that meaningful. As long as you are in the workforce your wages are likely to move up near the rate of inflation. In fact many employers allocate a "cost of living" wage increase to their employees to keep up with inflation. So if you're a good little worker bee, while inflation is real, it's direct impact on you is negligible. After all, what difference does it make to you if a loaf of bread is 10% more than it was two years ago as long as you make 10% more than you did two years ago?
One area that inflation does influence the worker bee, whether he/she is conscious of it or not is in it's ability to keep them a perpetual consumer. After all what's the benefit of deferring enjoyment of everything you ever wanted if the dollar you save is going to be worth less in the future than it is today?
In fact, inflation encourages living beyond your means and extending your consumption via the use of all available forms of debt. Why not purchase everything you can with someone else's money? When you finally pay them back you'll be paying them back with dollars that are worth less than those that you borrowed.
Sounds great! So by default deflation would be horrible right? The idea that goods and services would cost you less sounds terrible right? Wait a minute...why would that be bad?
It's bad if you have no money and lots of debt as deflation means that you have to pay back your debt holder with money that is worth more than when you borrowed and that correspondingly you have even less of.
However, what if you didn't purchase everything that you ever wanted? What if you didn't run up debt? What if, heaven forbid, you actually were responsible and saved your hard earned money? Deflation would be a dream come true as your money would actually be worth more than when you began saving it. With the average savings rate among Americans being in negative territory prior to the beginning of this recession you can see how it is an easy sell for the government to claim it was necessary to intervene to stop deflation.
The bigger issue to consider is how inflation is the very tool that keeps the worker bee in the system, under complete control of the powers that be. As long as you are in the system, being told when you can eat your lunch and move your bowels and exactly how long you have to do it, inflation doesn't hurt at all. However, what if you didn't want to be a slave your entire life? If you worked harder, saved more, spent less, and accumulated some money what would keep you from dropping out of the system? One word, inflation.
Inflation demands that either you would have to accumulate more than is reasonable possible or take excessive risks with your money in order just to not see it destroyed by inflation.
Consider that stated goal of the Federal Reserve again of "full employment and price stability". It takes on a new light when you really ponder it. With the dollar losing 96% of it's purchasing power clearly they've been a colossal failure at the mandate of price stability (of course I don't really believe that they've failed in their agenda...only that their agenda is far different than the mandate). However in one respect they've remained successful with their mandate of full employment. We have over 17% unemployment currently so there are clearly lots of people who want/need jobs so they've failed in that sense. However, when they discuss "full employment" their goal truly isn't that everyone who needs a job has one, rather it is the very fact that everyone needs a job because inflation demands that they stay in the system. They have in fact fulfilled their mandate in this regard.
Decide for yourself what's more dangerous, inflation or deflation.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

If you don't stand behind our troops stand in front of them

I saw this bumper sticker recently "If you don't stand behind our troops, stand in front of them".
I could make a pretty good guess to the kind of person who put this on their vehicle. Probably a decent, lower middle class, hard working, patriotic citizen. Perhaps they served in the military or have family serving in the military.
I can say with absolute certainty that this individual has no idea what the hell is going on in the world and no clue why poor Americans who entered the military because they saw few options for their future are dying on the other side of the world.
This is exactly what is killing America. Decent people, who do love their country are so confused that they support the very vehicles that in no uncertain terms are designed to destroy America. If you think for a minute that the most dangerous man in the world, public enemy number 1, has been able to evade the most advanced military in the history of the world for 8 years by living in a cave I feel sorry for you.
Briefly consider the facts. The U.S.A. armed and equipped bin Laden (as "we" did with Saddam Hussein) as he fought the Soviet's in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The U.S. knew that Afghanistan would prove to be a humiliating defeat for the USSR and spent billions equipping, training, and arming the Mujaheddin resistance, which included Osama bin Laden. When the plan worked and the Soviet Union pulled out of Afghanistan support for Afghanistan from the U.S. stopped leaving it a third world wasteland.
Bin Laden grew increasingly hostile to the U.S. in light of it's interference/occupation of the Middle East. Ultimately he set up his base of operation in Sudan. The Sudanese government offered to arrest and extradite bin Laden on multiple occasions. The U.S. government did not want this, in spite of the fact that by this time bin Laden was known to be actively engaged in international terrorism. Instead the U.S. government pushed for Sudan to expel bin Laden, leading him to relocate to Afghanistan.
None of these points is subject to argument, even the official 9/11 Commission acknowledges all of this.
The question one must ask is why would the U.S. want Osama bin Laden to set up his base of operation in Afghanistan? Afghanistan has been known as the place where empires go to die for centuries. If you don't believe it, check the history of the area and name one successful invasion/occupation of Afghanistan and get back to me with that. Less than 10 years prior to effectively sending bin Laden back to Afghanistan the U.S. had successfully supported bin Laden as he and the rest of the Mujaheddin in their successful defeat of the USSR.
So here we are 8 years after we started a war in Afghanistan, with a president that campaigned on ending the wars we are in now sending more troops to die for what? Do you think with the technology we have today that we couldn't have found bin Laden and killed him by now? Can you explain what "winning" in Afghanistan would look like for the U.S.? Can you possibly tell me how American troops dying there possibly protects our freedom as the other bumper stickers imply?
Back to the original thought, patriotic Americans have been duped into misplacing their patriotism. Rather than simply "supporting our troops" as a patriotic duty, patriots need to ask why are our troops dying in Afghanistan and Iraq? Patriotism should be rooted in a thoughtful and honest assessment of what is in the best interest of America. American soldiers are being sent to die for what? There is no such thing as winning in Afghanistan or Iraq for that matter. They weren't sent there to win anything. These wars were orchestrated for reasons that have nothing to do with "fighting terrorism" or "protecting our freedom". Bin Laden is alive an kicking because the powers that be want him to be. Think of the freedoms that have been lost and the money spent because of the boogey man living in a cave in Afghanistan.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Another two bite the dust

In the past 12 hours I got word of two more individuals I know who have entered bankruptcy. The saddest was the guy this morning at the gym. Hadn't seen him for a while, turns out he can't afford the gym membership as he has been unemployed for 11 months and is bk. It costs $3 to use the gym for the day. He said that coming to the gym today was his Christmas present.
He provided some interesting information. He has been applying for every job possible and working with an employment agency. The guy is probably 50 and has applied at fast food, retail, wherever there were job openings. No luck. The agency told him that for every one job they are asked to fill they have 4000 applicants. Obviously I can't confirm this but the ratio does not surprise me. They also provided some temporary workers for Walmart for the holidays. After 4 days Walmart let all of the temps go as there simply wasn't enough traffic in the stores to need the additional holiday help.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Road to Serfdom 2.0

Serfdom--the socio-economic status of unfree peasants under feudalism. It is a condition of bondage or modified slavery which developed primarily during the High Middle Ages in Europe. Serfdom was the enforced labor of serfs on the fields of landowners, in return for protection and the right to work on their leased fields.

The "American Dream" has been reduced to nothing short of a nightmare ending in serfdom for those unfortunate souls who are buying the bs being sold to them by our government and it's propaganda machine, the media. Put on your thinking cap and consider what has happened in just the past 5 years and decide if this is hyperbole or a clear assessment of America as we enter 2010.

Everyone who could fog a mirror was given a mortgage during the run up to the real estate bubble bursting. The bubble, as they always do, looked to be a one way/can't lose bet luring more people to go into debt to purchase real estate than every before in the history of the world. Simple enough, sounds like a recipe for pain for all parties as the bubble bursts. Those that lent the money should be left with loans that don't perform and collateral that is worth much less than the debt associated with it. This should lead to bankruptcy for many of these lenders and massive losses for the rest. Those that borrowed should be left with properties that are underwater that they can no longer afford to keep. Pretty simple stuff, bubbles are nothing new.

Here's where the story gets interesting. Those lending the money are magically bailed out. Not only are they kept from feeling the pain, their smaller competitors are forced out of business, increasing their market share. These come to be known as "too big to fail" entities, which is literally true...they are so big that they own the politicians of America. These too big to fail entities now have been shielded from their side of the bad business decisions they made during the bubble.

These "too big to fail" entities, along with the politician's whom they own then magnanimously offer to extend underwater mortgages, adding more years to the term, or even charge lower interest rates to keep those on the other side of the bad decision in the property. Additionally they attempt to convince these debt holders that it is both a moral and patriotic duty to sacrifice their family's financial health and future to stay in the property.

The property is worth so much less than the debt on it that the "owner" of it will never have equity in it. Serfdom 2.0, millions of Americans living as sharecroppers or serfs maintaining the roof, the yard, paying the taxes, and assuming all the liability/expenses for properties that they never will own. While they could move across the street, rent a comparable house and save tens of thousands of dollars a year by doing so. Of course that would be immoral, unpatriotic, and more importantly would damage their credit score which would hinder their ability to increase their indebtedness even more.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Super Bowl of Success!

For the past week I've been seeing a full page ad in the Arizona Republic everyday inviting me to the "The Super Bowl of Success" also described as Get Motivated! Business Seminar. I thought it selfish of me to not comment on the humor of it all. Everyday I see this I ad I laugh out loud. For whatever reason the joke never gets old. Who in their right mind thinks that their lack of success in their business is the result of a lack of motivation? I suppose the answer is thousands upon thousands of mindless drones who will show up for this event. To provide a little more color on the action packed event here are the speakers listed:
Gen. Colin Powell
Steve Forbes
Zig Ziglar
Rudy Giuliani
Kurt Warner
Laura Bush
While perhaps these are all fine people (probably not but I'm trying to be nice), I'd love to know how any of these titans of industry are qualified to discuss business issues. The first was a career soldier and then a bureaucrat, the second inherited his grandfather's publishing business, the third has made a career dispensing platitudes to those unfortunate souls who were lured into Amway cult meetings, the fourth was another career bureaucrat who has capitalized on the spotlight put on him for being the mayor of New York on 9/11, and the fifth is a professional football player. The last of course married into one of the modern day political dynasties of America.
If that doesn't sound like the all star lineup of the century to "motivate you to business success" what is? Again, the bigger absurdity is the entire concept that business success is directly proportional to your motivation. News flash, the most motivated people in the world live in abject poverty. I'll make a guess that my idea of motivation pales in comparison to the motivation it takes to walk barefoot, 1200 miles accross Africa to get to refugee camp after seeing your family be hacked to death.
If only business could be reduced to such simple platitudes as "Keys to Embrace Your Struggles and Come out on Top" (one of the riveting subjects that Captain Platitude, Zig Ziglar will be speaking on at this life changing event!).
One of the quotations in the ad says, "You may have attended business seminars before, but you've never seen anything like this...Secrets, Formulas, and Wisdom..." Sounds like an invite to a Masonic Lodge.
If only I had those Secrets, Formulas, and Wisdom I could stay motivated and my motivation would have kept my clients from going bankrupt and thereby they would have been able to pay me. Damn it, it's all so clear part motivation, two parts secret, throw in a formula and then a dash of wisdom gained from playing pro football or marrying into a political dynasty and I'm back in business.
Things are looking up for me now, see you all on February 4 with notebook in hand to get my secrets, formulas, and wisdom that will motivate me to success!

Just for fun here are what the honest titles that each speaker should be assigned.
Gen Colin Powell--How I was lucky enough not to be killed in battle
Steve Forbes--How I was lucky enough to be born rich and I'm still doing the same job my grandfather and father did
Zig Ziglar--How I was lucky enough to live at a time when Multi Level Marketing went mainstream and I could make money, "motivating people"
Rudy Giuliani--How I was lucky enough to be mayor of New York when a terrorist attack took place, otherwise no one reading the Arizona Republic would know who I am
Kurt Warner--How I was lucky enough for Trent Green to get hurt when I was the second string quarterback for the Rams
Laura Bush--How I was lucky enough that the druken, coked out Bush boy I married actually got sober

Ecclesiastes 9:11
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

Like it or not that's the "key to success" time and chance, commonly known as luck.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thank your local congressman

A few facts to ponder about our representative republic as it does it's best to reflect the will of the people.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey indicates that a whopping 21% of Americans believe Ben Bernanke should be reappointed as Fed President.
Are our elected officials are listening to the will of the people on this? The first series of senate voting took place yesterday. Sixteen senators voted for his confirmation for a second term while 7 voted against him. Thanks for 67% voting for him...that's only misrepresenting the will of the people by a factor of 3.

This however is nothing compared to the raising of the debt ceiling. A Fox News poll this week that surveyed 163,000 Americans (yes163k) conducted earlier this week found that 99% of Americans were against raising the debt ceiling (yes 99%, when was the last time 99% of Americans agreed on anything?). What did Congress do this week? Of course they voted to raise the debt ceiling.

This makes the fact that 56% of Americans surveyed this week oppose the proposed health care reform seem benign.

How do we find ourselves living in a time where our elected officials openly hold us in contempt? Pushing through agenda's that 99% of those who elected them oppose? When they can vote against 99% of the American people's wishes what is stopping them from voting through anything they want? At what point will Americans stand up in outrage together rather than buying into the propaganda machine that would have them pick a political party and blame the other side?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why is this rain yellow and warm?

Morgan Stanley is "giving back to the bank" 5 office towers they purchased at the height of the commercial real estate market. You can find the article on if you care to waste your time (like I did sadly). The quote of the day, providing a perfect snapshot of exactly what is going on in America as the oligarchy continues to piss on our heads and tell us it's raining.

"This isn't a default or foreclosure situation," Barnes said. "We are going to give them the properties to get out of the loan obligation."

I did not make this up, I promise. Morgan Stanley wouldn't want to acknowledge that they are in fact doing the very thing that they and the rest of the ruling oligarchy want to keep the average American homeowner from doing. See today's Wall Street Journal to read yet another story where an esteemed professor describes homeowners who would chose to "give back to the bank" their underwater homes as "morally reprehensible".

For those fans of "The Office" Morgan Stanley just pulled the Michael Scott move..."I declare bankruptcy!"

Are we Americans so ambivalent, apathetic, and neutered to accept this? Do you really think that it's raining?