Friday, December 18, 2009

Thank your local congressman

A few facts to ponder about our representative republic as it does it's best to reflect the will of the people.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey indicates that a whopping 21% of Americans believe Ben Bernanke should be reappointed as Fed President.
Are our elected officials are listening to the will of the people on this? The first series of senate voting took place yesterday. Sixteen senators voted for his confirmation for a second term while 7 voted against him. Thanks for 67% voting for him...that's only misrepresenting the will of the people by a factor of 3.

This however is nothing compared to the raising of the debt ceiling. A Fox News poll this week that surveyed 163,000 Americans (yes163k) conducted earlier this week found that 99% of Americans were against raising the debt ceiling (yes 99%, when was the last time 99% of Americans agreed on anything?). What did Congress do this week? Of course they voted to raise the debt ceiling.

This makes the fact that 56% of Americans surveyed this week oppose the proposed health care reform seem benign.

How do we find ourselves living in a time where our elected officials openly hold us in contempt? Pushing through agenda's that 99% of those who elected them oppose? When they can vote against 99% of the American people's wishes what is stopping them from voting through anything they want? At what point will Americans stand up in outrage together rather than buying into the propaganda machine that would have them pick a political party and blame the other side?

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