Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why is this rain yellow and warm?

Morgan Stanley is "giving back to the bank" 5 office towers they purchased at the height of the commercial real estate market. You can find the article on if you care to waste your time (like I did sadly). The quote of the day, providing a perfect snapshot of exactly what is going on in America as the oligarchy continues to piss on our heads and tell us it's raining.

"This isn't a default or foreclosure situation," Barnes said. "We are going to give them the properties to get out of the loan obligation."

I did not make this up, I promise. Morgan Stanley wouldn't want to acknowledge that they are in fact doing the very thing that they and the rest of the ruling oligarchy want to keep the average American homeowner from doing. See today's Wall Street Journal to read yet another story where an esteemed professor describes homeowners who would chose to "give back to the bank" their underwater homes as "morally reprehensible".

For those fans of "The Office" Morgan Stanley just pulled the Michael Scott move..."I declare bankruptcy!"

Are we Americans so ambivalent, apathetic, and neutered to accept this? Do you really think that it's raining?

1 comment:

  1. Nice start. I might be able to help with the look and feel if you get motivated.
