Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The System Worked!

In the event you didn't hear the good news, Janet Napolitano tells us that the reason why the Nigerian who attempted to blow up a plane on Christmas was unsuccessful was because "the system worked". After her handlers alerted her that in fact the system was a colossal failure she then went on to say, "Our system did not work in this instance, no one is happy or satisfied with that".
The details of the bomber and how he got on the plane are interesting enough, especially since he had no passport and was a suspected terrorist. However, what I love the most is Napolitano claiming "the system worked". Taking credit for the heroism of individuals on the plane and assigning it to "the system", whatever that is.
Perhaps it was a Freudian slip, as the system did work in allowing a terrorist with explosives to board a plane? After all, there is now a new discussion about starting a new war in Yemen in light of this.
I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

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